Valerie Monckton

Picture description: An image of two chickens, Marie and Louise. These Cornish Cross chicks were my experimental subjects before they became residents of The Browns’ Microsanctuary.

Writing Consciously About Animals

Welfare or rights, advocate or activist—the language you choose to describe your work on behalf of nonhuman animals (hereafter referred to as animals) determines who finds, identifies with, and supports your work.  Increasingly, popular media has honed in on the expansion of language to describe traditionally animal-derived food products like vegan cheese, plant-based burgers, and […]

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an image of a slaughterhouse

Slaughterhouse Work Is Still Some of the Most Exploited Labor in the World

Slaughterhouse workers experience depression levels four times higher than the national average. This, according to a 2021 review paper published in the journal Trauma, Violence & Abuse, also accompanies an increased likelihood of anxiety, psychoticism, anger, hostility and somatization (physical illnesses often associated with stress, with no known direct cause). Read the full article here

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